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Family Education Rights and Privacy
Trinidad State College Notification of Rights Under FERPA

《世界杯滚球》(FERPA)赋予学生一定的权利 with respect to their education records.  FERPA rights are afforded to the students at the time of admission. These rights include:

1)   The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days of the day Trinidad State College receives a request for access.  学生应向注册办公室提交一份书面请求,以确定 the record(s) the student wishes to inspect.  The Registrar will make arrangements 查阅并通知学生查阅记录的时间和地点. 

2)   学生有权要求修改其教育记录 认为是不准确的,误导的,或以其他方式侵犯学生的隐私 rights.

A student who wishes to ask Trinidad State College to amend a record should write 注册主任将清楚地通知负责记录的学院官员 找出学生想要改变的部分,并说明为什么要改变 be changed.  If the College decides not to amend the record as requested, the College 是否会书面通知学生有关决定及学生的聆讯权 re­garding the request for amendment using the Student Grievance Procedure SP 4-31.  有关听证程序的其他信息将提供给学生 when notified of the right to a hearing.

3)   在特立尼达州立学院亲自披露之前提供书面同意的权利 可识别的信息来自学生的教育记录,除非在某种程度上 that FERPA authorizes disclosure without con­sent.  One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to College officials with legitimate educational interests.  学院官员是由科罗拉多社区学院雇佣的人 或其他CCCS学院的行政、监督、学术或研究 或辅助人员职位(包括执法单位人员和保健人员); a person or company with whom the College has contracted as its agent to provide a 而不是使用大学雇员或官员(如律师、审计员、 or collection agent); a person serving on the College Board; or a student serving 在官方委员会,如纪律委员会或申诉委员会,或协助 another school official in performing his or her tasks. Trinidad State College has designated the National Student Clearinghouse as a College official.  A College official has a legitimate educational interest 如果官员需要审查教育记录,以履行他或她 professional responsibilities for the College. Upon request, the College discloses education records, without a student's consent, to officials of another school, in which a student seeks or intends to enroll, or after enrollment.

在下列情况下,学校可以向家长分享教育记录: for a student who is dependent under I.R.S. tax code; a student under 21 years old 谁违反了法律或学校世界杯滚球酒精或物质的规定或政策 abuse; and when the information is needed to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals in an emergency.

FERPA Annual Notice to Reflect Possible Federal and State Data Collection and Use
As of January 3, 2012, the U.S. Department of Education's FERPA regulations expand 在这种情况下,学生的教育记录和个人身份 这些记录中包含的信息(PII) -包括社会安全号码,成绩, or other private information — may be accessed without student consent. First, the U.S. Comptroller General, the U.S. Attorney General, the U.S. Secretary of Education, 或州和地方教育当局(“联邦和州当局”)可能允许 在未经学生同意的情况下访问学生记录和个人信息 由联邦或州当局评估联邦或州支持的教育 program. The evaluation may relate to any program that is "principally engaged in 提供教育,如早期儿童教育和职业培训 well as any program that is administered by an education agency or institution. Second, 联邦和州当局可能允许访问学生的教育记录和个人身份信息 在没有学生同意的情况下研究人员进行某些类型的研究,在某些 cases even when we object to or do not request such research. Federal and State Authorities 必须从实体获得一定的使用限制和数据安全承诺 他们授权接收学生的PII,但当局不需要保持直接 control over such entities. In addition, in connection with Statewide Longitudinal 国家当局可以收集、汇编、永久保留和共享的数据系统 未经学生同意,从学生教育记录中获取个人信息,他们可能会跟踪学生 通过将此类个人身份信息与其他个人身份信息相关联,参与教育和其他项目 他们从其他联邦或州数据来源获得的学生信息, 包括劳动力发展,失业保险,儿童福利,青少年司法, military service, and migrant student records systems.

The Colorado Community College System considers the following to be directory information and Trinidad State College may disclose this information, without prior consent, to anyone inquiring in person, by phone, or in writing:  Student name; Major field of study;  Dates of student attendance;  Degrees / certificates, honors, and awards student has earned;  Most recent educational institution attended by the student; enrollment status (full time, part time, etc.), photographs, Participation in officially recognized activities and sports; and if participating in an officially recognized activity or sport, height, weight, and high school attended.

物理地址被认为是PII,不作为目录信息发布 except they may be released for the following limited purposes:

  • 向新闻媒体公布毕业名单,其中可能包括学生的居住城市 only,
  • Other listings to the news media and College personnel for special awards, honors, and events,
  • Notification to Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society for students who are eligible to be considered for membership,
  • CCCS或学院聘请的现金管理服务提供商可能需要 to process student refunds, or
  • 与CCCS系统办公室或特立尼达有书面协议的机构 State College for early advising, scholarship, or admissions consideration. Credit hour threshold for release may be stipulated in system-wide or individual college agreements.

电子邮件地址被视为个人身份信息,不作为目录信息发布,除非 they may be released for the following limited purposes:

  • Notification to Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society for students who are eligible to be considered for membership,
  • CCCS系统办公室雇用的现金管理服务提供商可能需要 or Trinidad State College to process student refunds, or
  • To institutions who have a written agreement with the System or a CCCS college for early advising, scholarship, or admissions consideration. Credit hour threshold for release may be stipulated in system-wide or individual college agreements.

电话号码(包括类型)出生日期,种族/民族,和GPA考虑在内 PII and are not released as Directory Information except for the following limited purpose:

  • 与CCCS系统办公室或特立尼达有书面协议的机构 State College for early advising, scholarship, or admissions consideration. Credit hour threshold for release may be stipulated in system-wide or individual college agreements.

Additionally, name, address, college issued e-mail address, phone number, date and 出生地点,教育程度,最近就读的大学,学习领域, 学生获得的学位可以根据要求提供给军事招募人员 in accordance with the Solomon Amendment.  All other information contained in student 记录被认为是私人的,没有学生的书面记录是不向公众开放的 consent. Students who do not want their directory/public information released to third parties or students who do not want to be listed in the College online e-Directory 是否应填写表格以抑制可在网上或在 注册办公室或招生和记录办公室在学期的第一天.

Neither CCCS, its Colleges, nor any entity designated as a College official, will 将目录信息发布给任何要求提供信贷数据的金融机构 卡营销的目的,也没有任何数据库服务,数据聚合,或请求者 谁维护列表的唯一目的是出售数据获利和/或营销 purposes.

4) The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA.  The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:

Student Privacy Policy Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC  20202-5901